What is electric conductivity?
Soil electrical conductivity (EC) is a measure of the amount of salts in soil. Electrical conductivity is the ability of a material to conduct an electric current. Soil electrical conductivity is the measurement which correlates soil properties which affect the crop productivity, soil texture, cation exchange capacity (CEC), drainage conditions, organic matter level, salinity and subsoil characteristics.
What are the units of soil EC?
Soil EC is expressed in units of MilliSiemens per meter (mS/m). Another unit used for measuring Electrical conductivity is Deci Siemens per meter (dS/m) which is equal to a milliSiemen per meter when divided by 100.
What are MilliSiemens per meter?
MilliSiemens per meter are the units used for measuring the soil EC. A Siemen is the conductance of a material to electricity.
How to measure soil EC?
We can measure the soil EC by an EC meter. In water we can measure it by a TDS (Total Dissolved Solids) meter. We have to enter the probe in the soil till the probe comes to an end and take the readings.

He studies in Class 5 at Delhi Public School – Bopal(DPS Bopal Ahmedabad), he love to explore the nature and the space.
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